Makes me glad I cast on these:

I needed new bus knitting socks and this was the other skein of Fleece Artist merino yarn Madeline and I bought when she had the chicken pox in the spring (so of course I took her yarn shopping -- only slightly less shocking than checking your post-op child out of the hospital to go to the crack house...
For those who care...note the use of the magic loop method. The upside (or downside depending on your perspective) of using a long circ instead of five pointy sticks is that I am apparently not as frightening on the bus anymore.
For those who believe that I only cast on and never cast off...behold the hat of handspun. The pattern is from Shannon Okey's hot-off-the-presses Spin to Knit but it is actually a basic hat pattern (its the one on the cover). I would show you the pictures of me wearing it, but trust me, the thing looks like total crap on me. I will get Madeline to model it...

And so, because I want to have a basketful of hats I can't wear...I cast on this one. I'm experimenting with alternating a few rows of reverse st st and knitting this singly (above knit with two strands - its very very firm!) to see if I get a slouchier, more textured and therefore fun! hat. That will still look like ass on me.
Last weekend, the Creative Needepoint show breezed through town. I nipped of work an hour early, forked out my $10 for admission and hit the knitting booths...but not too hard. Witness...
I have a spinning wheel mug!!! And 100g of delicious Fleece Artist kid merino sliver. And the singlel most expensive light bulb I have EVER seen. This $30 baby shows "true colours" and its quite amazing. I am hoping that once I have a decent lamp to put it in, it will make my knitting easier - but hopefully my photos will also benefit.
If interested, the mug is from Camilla Valley Farms. I also picked up an adorable Learn to Knit kit for Madeline from there...but she's already ripped it apart and cast on...and shisha mirrors for the Advika mittens from Mission Falls. Slivers are from Yarn Forward and the bulb is from...where I don't remember. Philosopher's wool was there too...and I am so very very much in love with their sweater styles. But I have to confess...the wool is much too scratchy for me. It was hard not to be very tempted by all the pretty colours and the thought that maybe I should buy the book and spin my own wool for it! That would only take me about 10 years!!!!
And finally - how cute is this! Madeline has been knitting this baby since July - its Debbie Bliss Cashmerino. I think it might be for me since I love red but of course she tells me its a gift for her half-sister but has this odd sly look on her face when she says it.
This morning I am heading off to the Ottawa Valley Weavers and Spinners Guild Annual Exhibition and Sale. I volunteered to spend 3 hours guarding some expensive silk garments borrowed from the Embassy of Thailand (show theme is Silk Celebration) -- then we shall see what my fellow guild members are up to. I haven't really had a chance to meet anyone yet so its a good opportunity to meet more guild members since being "out there" and "networking" is unbelieveably painful for me. I will bring my camera and try to take some pictures of the show for next time.
1 comment:
Wow - you've been busy! Love the hat - I love using handspun! Hope you had a great time at the guild meeting.
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