Its a nor'easter! Another reason not to live in the nor'east...
Notice my deck chairs...which I put out on the deck on a warm day 3 weeks ago. I haven't actually sat in them yet. I keep reminding myself that in July I'm gonna be complaining about how hot it is.
Happy Monday! There are five people signed up for the fantabulous blogiversary prize draw. Odds are still good so sign up by Wednesday for a chance to win.
This weather is just wrong. I'm about to head off for work - and I need to wear my boots. Arrrggghhhhh.
I'm looking out the window at snow as well - but its not really sticking. Poor spring flowers! But it is a good day to knit!
Ewwwww, rotten. And I've been complaining about the cold down here in the sou'west. I'll hush up now. At least we don't have snow.
It was all rain, hail and BLOWING here, at least it was pretty at 6 a.m there? YUCK!
Thanks for the wellwishing on my house :)
Can you believe this weather? And yet I keep hearing that we're supposed to be back in the teens for this weekend! Blarg! No wonder everyone is getting sick!
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