This one could be called "My life won't be complete without an Ipod Shuffle" which looks EXACTLY the same as "I know I'm 9 and a half, but please please please could you push me on the swings?"
And this one is just a cool arty shot for me.
And now...ta da!!! This week's up-for-grabs super fantastic blogiversary prizes are meant to make you feel like you are living in a posh apartment reading the New Yorker before heading out for brunch with your cool friends...
We start with literature (so you look as smart as I know you are). As an extra sell - the Red Tent has references to spindle spinning!
Next you get to drink a lovely cuppa tea as you enjoy your refined lit moment - complete with nifty box and funky shaped infusers.
Because I care about you and want to make your life easier...a bookmark so you don't lose your spot. Works equally nicely sticking out of knitting magazines. Comes complete with upbeat quote.
Plus - everyone needs chocolate eggs - even when Easter is over. Plus its Godiva. What's not to like???
And finally - in case you should become verklempt...some super stylin' kleenex that advertising either where you are from, or where you have a friend (oh stop wracking your brain - that's supposed to be me).
Best of luck to all - email to ambergem1969 at hotmail dot com by Wednesday, April 18th for your chance to win.
Okay, I passed up the first contest, since I don't spin. But I read and drink tea and eat chocolate and blow my nose, so I'm so all over this one :-)
I love the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency series. I've read them all, but I borrowed the first couple, so I'd love to win your copy. Plus all of the other great prizes. Not sure about that last one though - is it unpatriotic to sneeze on the maple leaf?
My entry is in the mail!
Oh, and I forgot to mention. Those bears are awfully cute. And so are the kids!
lol...leanne! We must have been commenting on each other's blogs at the same time!
And by the way - we Canadians are too practical so sneezing on the flag is not an issue..its a tissue! (damn its late and I'm tired)
What a bunch of cuties - the kids and the bears! Beautiful picture too - sounds like a nice weekend! Yummy - Godiva!
I like the foil ball throwing at cat idea! Sounds good for a giggle. I'm in. I'll enter your contest.
Catching up on comments:
Anything that lets me have one nanosecond of feeling like I live the New York Loft And Brunch life, I'M IN! PICK ME! PICK ME!! (As Elmo comes on the TV... AGAIN. sigh)
LOVVVVE the bears. Am sending (I think) copy of pic to my nan who knits similar cute bears but not that cute.
I think caption for pic of gangsta-boy at the park is "Yo, Check It Out. My Feet Don't Smell. Something In the Shrimp" (which won't make sense to anyone at all?)
Will tell Mrs. Baa she's linked on a blog, once I explain it she'll be unbelievably thrilled...
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