It might also help if you read it really quickly. Like so fast you think that maybe you only imagined that you might have read about something absolutely terrifying but can't quite remember what it was because the details seem a bit fuzzy.
This young man...

I have a whole new set of rules in my house now...
1. Nothing that resembles a receptable on the seems to be a favourite place to spray (yuck)
2. No toilet paper in the dispensers. Actually having the toilet paper in the dispenser turns it into a game of "unroll before she catches me" as opposed to toilet paper on the back of the toilet which becomes a wrestling partner and is less likely to be completely undone by the time I find it. (And punctured toilet paper? Perfectly serviceable)
3. No precious expensive knitting needles out in the open.
Now...some visual yummies for dessert... This is one of the 50g slivers from my b-day present...the colours are absolutely stunning - almost metallic.
And another cabled-goodness teaser.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
hmmm...lack of comments is either because a) no one is commenting or b)comments not this is a test.
Obviously working...
..woo hoo...I get to talk to myself (as if this entire blog isn't about talking to myself...and posting myself pictures...and generally entertaining to myself)...
I'm not going to think about this too much or I may have an existential crisis.
If a tree falls in the woods and it has a blog, is it still a tree?
Oh. My. Goodness.
I congratulate you on your restraint.
More importantly - would the tree - blog about his experience of falling in front of his friends by his own stupidity... or would he blame one of his friends for "pushing him". just curious....
Sorry to hear about your addis! yikes!
Yikes - bad kitty! Sorry to hear that he's eating Addi's...but at least he didn't take everything off the needles.
Oh no. Poor precious addis. Bad kitty! Bad!
Yeah, it's still a tree ;)
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