Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Low fibre content...pretty pictures!

I am...well...ridiculously wrecked. See the date? That is the day I uploaded the photos to blogger...as opposed to TODAY which is the 18th of August.

The new job is kicking me in the rear. I can't explain why. It isn't far off what I was doing before...just...more.

Anyway - here is the loveliest of merino I received as part of a fibre swap. This is from woolydaisy. Isn't it pretty! The top on top (heh heh...aren't I the funny one) is garnet and the bottom is topaz (coincidentally my birthstone) - I' m having stripped mitten thoughts...

Thanks woolydaisy!!!

Next...tranquil Canadian summer pictures....

Sigh...I just wanna go back. There was chipmunk (named Chippie...what else!) that would eat from your hand if you were still enough. There was knitting and spinning on the screened in porch. And best of all? There was a guest cabin where the kids hung out. Kind of like the kids table at family dinners but EVEN BETTER.

At some point the knitting/spinning adventures will get updated included, but not limited to:

- a finished Swallowtail shawl out of handspun

- self-striping yarn in four colours - hand dyed and handspun

- the fleece I bought with Chriss - I have learned that when it comes to processing your own fleece, clean is a relative term.

Happyish Monday!


betseydoodle said...

Chippie! Natch!

Glad to have you back....

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous roving, gorgeous pictures - sounds like a very nice vacation..welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Was just wondering where you had disappeared to........ glad to hear an update!!! Just a few more days and my job will go into hyper crazy mode for a couple of months.... September anyways.... so I can relate.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous roving!

I love to vacation near water too. It's so relaxing.