I am on the second full week of child wrangling, kid lasso-ing and other rodeo type clichés. There has been some knitting amidst swimming, timing out, yelling, feeding, sleeping, story telling, running errands and spending my money or refusing to spend it. One of these days I will photograph the many Ballband Washrags I have found myself knitting poolside. Knitting dishcloths may seem odd but they are quick, cool (as in not a wool hat or mittens or socks), and cute as anything. Plus I never have enough dishcloths!
Anyway, since I have so little to add...unless you want a plot point by plot point summary of the Spongebob Squarepants episode I'm being subject to right now??
Right...I thought not.
In which Shadow wonders what the fuss is about this "spinning thing".
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